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Can I quickly create a route from my current location to a destination?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 6:36 pm
Use the 'Quick Route' function to quickly create a route from your location to any other location:
  1. Place the ⊹ cursor on the destination.
  2. Tap the Placemark button at the bottom left of the map.
  3. Select 'Quick Route'.
  4. A popup gives you several options for navigating from your current location to the destination.
Use the 'Quick Route' function to quickly create a route from your location to one of your placemarks:
  1. Tap the placemark.
  2. Select 'Quick Route'
  3. A popup gives you several options for navigating from your current location to the placemark.
The Quick Route is for immediate use, it cannot be saved. If you want to create and save a route for future use, or you want to create a route that does not start at your current location, then create the route using the Measure Tool.

The Quick Route is drawn with a blue line for you to follow. A checkered flag indicates the end of the route. Distance remaining is shown in blue at the top left of the map.

Tap the checkered flag, or the distance remaining to cancel the Quick Route.

The 'Direct To' Quick Route is shown with a red guidance arrow with distance remaining shown under the arrow. You can tap the arrow to cancel the Quick Route.