What is 'Trip Leg Divisions' under 'Trip Settings' on the Settings page?

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What is 'Trip Leg Divisions' under 'Trip Settings' on the Settings page?

Post by bruce@handylogic.ca » Thu May 03, 2018 7:19 pm

Trail Boss divides your trip into segments (legs) based upon the selection you make in ‘Trip Leg Divisions’. Statistics like time, distance, climb/descent etc are available for each leg.

Setting: Climbs, Descents and Flats. This setting divides your trip into red climb, green descent, and cyan flat legs.

Setting: Climbs and Descents. This setting divides your trip into red climb and green descent legs. Even areas that are mostly flat will have a slight gradient and will be treated as a climb or descent. This is the most popular setting.

Climb and descent legs represent a height change of at least 10 meters (30ft). This is about the height of a residential street lamp. If you operate in terrain that has few hills of this height then you won't see many red/green leg divisions. In this case you might want to tap 'Leg Height Settings' and select 'Smaller Height Legs'. On the other hand, if you are only interested in seeing legs of very large height change (for instance, you want your ski or mountain bike descents to be 1 uninterrupted leg) then select 'Larger Height Legs'.

Setting: Each Mile/Kilometer. This setting divides the trip into legs that are 1 mile/kilometer long and alternately colors them blue/orange. You might choose this setting if the Climbs and Descents setting doesn't provide useful leg data because you operate in mostly flat terrain. Or perhaps you are just interested in seeing your pace and other stats for each mile/km of your trip.

Setting: No Leg Divisions. The entire trip is treated as 1 leg and is coloured orange. This setting can be useful for sharing the trip to a 3rd party App or Web Site because some of them do not recognize leg divisions.

To view leg statistics: Go to the Trip Log and tap the trip's preview map to select it onto the map page. Place the ⊹ cursor on the track line at the leg you are interested in. The cursor will change to an Info button, tap it to view the Elevation Profile/Spot/Leg information page.
